Women who run with the wolves-- not so easy!

It's hard to be a shiny person !    A woman who runs with the wolves...... even fellow sisters often do not accept the sexual outspoken beautiful yin-ness of the wolfy being.  And it can be hard to find a wolf pack to run with.

Many wolf women are wild because they are unbalanced-- just like many quiet women. It's just that the quiet women, the ones beaten and bruised, they manage to fly under the radar as it is more acceptable to be a quiet survivor ... especially if you are a woman.  Passive aggressive wildness is the current norm--- particularly in the professional world and the world of business.  Out front straight out behavior is (except perhaps is NYC-- my home town) is not so acceptable. While the quiet ones have to learn to have a voice, wolfy women have to find outlets for their voice-- as muggle society has little room for the wolfy's.  Singing with the sister moon.

Being a wolf woman has pitfalls. Many want to hang with them hoping some of the wolfi-ness will rub off. Wolf women make everybody feel brave-- and why not ? They model straight out behavior, and even more wonderful, if one has a wolfy friend -- she will never let you down. You are part of her pack. The bad news is, if you let her down, she will ban you from her pack. Wolves mate for life and take pack life seriously, not just for survival, but for love as well. Something most humans, these days, are not very familiar with in our disposable society.

Packs mean you help each person shine, because the more they shine, the stronger the pack and the happier the pack.  Packs also mean you respect strength and the communal leadership as it is hard won AND strong leadership means the pack can relax, they are in good hands. Horses understand this too  (great book to read: The Power of the Herd !!).  Wolfy women  are not ladders for one to climb on to advance one's self.  Nor are they meant to be used in times of need, and then discarded. Wolfy women need love, care, tenderness. Just because they are strong, does not mean they are not soft as well (a mistake often made regarding men as well--strength does not mean no feelings-- in fact strength in life is typically matched with strength in having feelings). Yin and yang, both have their own combinations of strong and soft.  Wolfy women are yin strong.... they chose a women body for this life.  Yin strength is different than yang. Yin endures, protects with energy and love, provides vision, support and hope. Creates a protected sacred space for others to emerge-- like a shamanic circle.  (I leave it to you to look up yang strengths). Yin gives birth-- to new skills, courage, feelings, because it provides energetic and loving safety under the wings of the angels.

In this culture, in this time, it is a bit lonely being a wolfy woman.  No packs.... or few. Wolfy women will often take in strays, because it is so hard to find pack members. Like our fur familiars, wolves attach for life so wolfy women find it hard to turn people away or to give up one taken under our wing  (or paw).   Wolfy women will often down play who they are-- their strengths and beauty--- diminish themselves to fit in, to make others feel less threatened or to feel better about themselves. Sadly that practice comes with a price...... one that is not good to pay over time.   

Wolfy women---Sing with the moon and love the energies around you even if you are running alone for a time.  Indigenous cultures had a place for wolfy women as did the the age of the Goddess with the dominance of matrifocal pagan earth centered practices (including but not limited to Buddhist, Hindu, Wiccan, Celtic, Taoist.... and many more ... look up the definition of pagan). In this era, wolfy women can become targets and can be perceived as threatening rather than as someone to be in the pack.... on the team. Wolfy women can find themselves let go from jobs as their very energy field is an anathema to modern culture despite women's lib.  In fact, wolfy women can even be attacked by other women who do not understand how to be a true pack member.  Stockholm syndrome...... align with your captor.... the people in power.....is not limited to event but is a phenomena of societal culture (.... how Hitler was given his power, how the  McCarthy era flourished,  how the KKK was able to roast African Americans for entertainment, etc). This is not the time of the wolfy women...... just like it was not a good time to be a healer in the era of witch hunting.

Few understand how much yin power of the wolfy woman needs the support of a pack. Not to be sucked dry and left by needy people.  If you meet a wolfy who empowers you, inspires you,  give back the love !  Be a wolfy yourself by joining the power of the pack..... the majesty of wolves and mustangs. 


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