Mouse in a wheel-around we go
Mouse in a wheel; around you go
You get stuck. Then you get upset about being stuck. Then you
don't trust anyone, because you are stuck. And around and around you go like a hamster
in a wheel. Sometimes you can slow the wheel down, and you think you are
finally getting somewhere. Whew. This IS a hard place to be and as long as the
wheel is spinning few can get in to help-- including yyour Spirit Guides, never
mind a human helper !!
The spinning wheel has benefits. Sometimes, in cases of abuse, it is a protection behavior that you need until you are strong enough to take on a journey of healing. It keeps your mind and sometimes your body busy which helps you to stay away from deeper feelings or issues. It assures you "you are getting somewhere" with the perpetual motion that you have been taught to worship in industrialized nation cultures. You don't have time to consider options; therefore you do not take risks nor do you risk failure. Failure is always a part of learning, a natural part of learning, but some cannot tolerate the ups and downs of learning. Staying stuck eliminates that uncomfortable process.
Over time you can get so used to the wheel you forget there is anything else out there but the wheel. In fact you are convinced, and when others suggest there is life outside the wheel, you laugh and call them crazy or even feel sorry for them and their obvious delusion. Sometimes you even start building other wheels and ask people to join you. After all, there are benefits to life in the wheel.
It is not easy to break this cycle and perhaps it is not even meant for everyone to step outside of the wheel. But some do get tired, or very sad, being in the wheel. Yet as people used to believe the world was flat and there was no reason they could or should sail off the edge of the world, some of these sad and discouraged people see no reason why they should, could, or even how to attempt to step out of the wheel. Even if they did, then what? When you have spent years operating one way, your psyche and body are now accustomed to that one way. Like a sailor getting seasick on land just walking, it is a hard adjustment indeed. And since you have spent many years mastering life in the wheel, not only do you feel incompetent and lost, you don't even know how to spend your time.. And even worse, those pesky emotions now have time to surface.
This is not an easy place to be and usually humans seem to have the need to be in exquisite pain before having the courage to initiate change. The old place has to hurt so much that you are then willing to step out into the unknown. Even enlightened people do this when it comes to addressing their core issues central to the challenges of their Sacred Contract, their Life Lesson, or Destiny. So be kind to yourself about all of this. There is no rush, and the wheel is not hell, and stepping out of whatever version of the wheel you are confronted with will not bring you to Heaven especially not on earth. It will bring change and eventually that change can and often does, over the years, become another wheel. The irony !
Not only do you need to have compassion for those you see are stuck (or you think are stuck in your subjective viewpoint), you need to have compassion and patience with your Self. Stepping out of the wheel is easy for some, harder for others but I have yet to meet one person that has not spent some time in a wheel. Perhaps is it a part of being human therefore it too can be enjoyed for what it is, until it has outlived its usefulness. It is this viewpoint that Pema Chodron has so wonderfully explored, practice Loving Kindness, especially towards the Self. You do not have to criticize yourself to change. You can notice, notice what you are noticing, notice pain and suffering, and then decide to make some changes without having to make yourselves bad and wrong for where you have been, or where you are.
Sit in the Silence and pray for Guidance and Help. It will be sent from Spirit either in the form of energies, or a human healer, or both. Once you start to notice your life, you will also notice the Help sent as you become more and more able at noticing the wheels that develop in your life.
The spinning wheel has benefits. Sometimes, in cases of abuse, it is a protection behavior that you need until you are strong enough to take on a journey of healing. It keeps your mind and sometimes your body busy which helps you to stay away from deeper feelings or issues. It assures you "you are getting somewhere" with the perpetual motion that you have been taught to worship in industrialized nation cultures. You don't have time to consider options; therefore you do not take risks nor do you risk failure. Failure is always a part of learning, a natural part of learning, but some cannot tolerate the ups and downs of learning. Staying stuck eliminates that uncomfortable process.
Over time you can get so used to the wheel you forget there is anything else out there but the wheel. In fact you are convinced, and when others suggest there is life outside the wheel, you laugh and call them crazy or even feel sorry for them and their obvious delusion. Sometimes you even start building other wheels and ask people to join you. After all, there are benefits to life in the wheel.
It is not easy to break this cycle and perhaps it is not even meant for everyone to step outside of the wheel. But some do get tired, or very sad, being in the wheel. Yet as people used to believe the world was flat and there was no reason they could or should sail off the edge of the world, some of these sad and discouraged people see no reason why they should, could, or even how to attempt to step out of the wheel. Even if they did, then what? When you have spent years operating one way, your psyche and body are now accustomed to that one way. Like a sailor getting seasick on land just walking, it is a hard adjustment indeed. And since you have spent many years mastering life in the wheel, not only do you feel incompetent and lost, you don't even know how to spend your time.. And even worse, those pesky emotions now have time to surface.
This is not an easy place to be and usually humans seem to have the need to be in exquisite pain before having the courage to initiate change. The old place has to hurt so much that you are then willing to step out into the unknown. Even enlightened people do this when it comes to addressing their core issues central to the challenges of their Sacred Contract, their Life Lesson, or Destiny. So be kind to yourself about all of this. There is no rush, and the wheel is not hell, and stepping out of whatever version of the wheel you are confronted with will not bring you to Heaven especially not on earth. It will bring change and eventually that change can and often does, over the years, become another wheel. The irony !
Not only do you need to have compassion for those you see are stuck (or you think are stuck in your subjective viewpoint), you need to have compassion and patience with your Self. Stepping out of the wheel is easy for some, harder for others but I have yet to meet one person that has not spent some time in a wheel. Perhaps is it a part of being human therefore it too can be enjoyed for what it is, until it has outlived its usefulness. It is this viewpoint that Pema Chodron has so wonderfully explored, practice Loving Kindness, especially towards the Self. You do not have to criticize yourself to change. You can notice, notice what you are noticing, notice pain and suffering, and then decide to make some changes without having to make yourselves bad and wrong for where you have been, or where you are.
Sit in the Silence and pray for Guidance and Help. It will be sent from Spirit either in the form of energies, or a human healer, or both. Once you start to notice your life, you will also notice the Help sent as you become more and more able at noticing the wheels that develop in your life.
Journey On
MarieFeuer.Org, Life Path Healings
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