That's not very spiritual! AND.... a workshop on giving Readings and helping people

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: That's not very Spiritual! feuer--life-path/episodes/ Thats-not-very-Spiritual- esll91 Weekly classes for Soul Evolution and persona growth every Wednesday 6:30 pm in person or online. Cost $20. Online must prepay via Venmo or PayPal and links to those apps can be found on our website: HOW TO GIVE READINGS AND HELP PEOPLE: A WORKSHOP. ========== Mini workshop April 15, Thursday Evening 6:30- 8:30. Cost is $72. Full workshop April 18, Sunday, 12:30- 4:30. (bring snacks if needed). Cost is $135 This workshop is for those who have spent some time studying with Dr. Marie. Do not hesitate to ask if you can attend. It is challenging to help people. People are often afraid, defensive, controlling, or perhaps have never done and work on themselves and truly have no idea about their authentic Self. And while they want help, they are also resist...