It is not school. This is your Life.

This is not school. It is your Life.

School ruins your ability to learn.School tells you what you are going to learn, how you are going to learn it, and tests you to make sure you learn what a teacher wants you to learn. All of this teaches you to be passive and compliant. You learn to wait until you are told what to do, and what to do next.  You are told what you are expected to learn and all you do now is look for what you are told you must learn so you can “pass” the class, and please the teacher or boss. You learn to mind read the teachers and spit back what they tell you to believe. If you are lucky enough to go to an excellent private school, or be homeschooled, or attend an excellent college, this does not happen. When I was a professor the students that were the “exception” were immediately apparent. These students were self-starters, they read and researched extra materials, and they excelled at asking questions and critical thinking. They always personalized the material they were being taught in a class and by applying the learning to their own life and career were able to turn knowledge into practice and therefore into wisdom and lessons mastered as well as learned. And typically they had been home-schooled or attended and excellent private or charter school.

When people choose to study with Life Path Healings the effect of a dysfunctional educational system becomes very apparent by the behaviors of adults who want to learn. I find people do not know how to ask questions, or study, or practice or create continuity. They treat their Soul Evolution as if it is a class they “hope” to “get through” and “pass” and that somehow passing that class will please the Teacher and guarantee a reward, like a good grade that will change their life for them.

Soul Evolution and personal growth is not a “class”, it is your life and learning how to learn is part of your life growth. You will have to break your habit of “passing” the class and develop the passion to master knowledge. When you decide to study with Spiritual Teacher, when you are given a book to read or a practice to try, it is up to you to ask questions and create continuity in your work. Spiritual Teachers are rare and a blessing. They do not give you a degree and they do not tell you what to do or what course to take and what is next. You need to ask at each stage because you must, deep in your heart, desire to be on a Path. You will have to be the one to ask for more work and you have to be the one that practices what you are learning and most important of all you need to learn to give very specific reports on what you tried, what happened or did not happen, what you learned, what started to come up or change in your life, and when you feel ready to ask “what’s next”. In other words, you need to be fully responsible for your studies.

I have had students that ask me what is next. I suggest a book. They never bring up the book again, and I do not ask. Later they complain, I feel stuck. I don’t know what to do next. I will ask, what did you do with the book I suggested and they reply, I read it. I wait. That’s it. No questions, no reports regarding the work they did applying the practices detailed in the book. No journaling of progress or problems encountered. Nothing. I have had other students who tell me they “did it” when referring to a book I suggested or a Practice I suggested. I ask them, so what did you do? What did you learn? They shrug and say, I did what it said. I ask for details and they have none. So they “did” the book like math homework? I ask what did you learn and they give me platitudes and generalities. Now I know these students are trying to either people please me by “doing” what I suggest or ask or they are stuck in an infantile stage of development referred to as “magical thinking”. This is where one “makes up” or imagines something will happen, change, or get better magically, with no effort, no documentation, no contemplation, no problem solving. 

Sometime this all occurs because the person is a professional victim and will use all the work I give as another opportunity to “fail” and prove how special s/he is because I am yet another notch on their belt of Teachers that failed them. Professional victims glean attention by failing and hoping thereby to receive lots of extra attention and encouragement without having to do any work except to fail. And they are masters at making sure that happens. The flip side of this victim routine is not talking because “I don’t want to be a victim” and instilling a kind of fake stoicism. Then again crying “ I didn’t know”. Well, you didn’t talk, you didn’t ask. Living as a victim is a rough routine to identify because every time you do, they cry victim or become stoic, there is no discussion which is the middle ground and the way of working through challenges and issues and emotions. Feeling like a victim is legitimate even if you really aren’t being victimized, you may feel that way. Feel it, express it, work through it. Living like a victim means you will find every way in the world to NOT talk and keep finding ways of behaving so you can continue to justify holding on to your victim stance. All to avoid other uncomfortable feelings. All to avoid risking new behaviors.

To become enlightened, awakened, invested in your own personal growth and Soul Evolution you will have to become a learner. You will need to learn how you learn. Track your own work and your own progress. Track it in detail. Be prepared to present it to your Spiritual Teacher either for closure or to continue on to the next lesson if you are doing ongoing work and studies. Ask questions, lots of questions. Ask questions as you do the work, not after you have completed it, or think you have completed it. Stay in touch. Check in. Don’t isolate or ghost. Don’t announce you are ending the work before discussing it with your Teacher. People typically quit right after a a breakthrough or when they are right on the edge of a breakthrough. Breakthroughs are new and therefore often feel uncomfortable and are typically misinterpreted as “wrong” or a mistake or screwing up. Then the student feels embarrassed and quits. DISCUSS EVERYTHING. If you don’t bring it up, if you don’t ask questions, you are setting a boundary both with Spirit and your Spiritual Teacher that the topic is off limits. And no one, no energy (other than malevolent ones) will forcefully violate or even challenge a boundary. By keeping quiet, ghosting, leaving, not asking questions, not sharing the specifics of your work and your progress and challenges, you are telling your Teacher(s) to stay away and leave you alone. Never quit without a discussion. “I think I will take a break” is telling your Teacher(s) (and Spirit) I’m done, leave me alone. If you don’t trust your human Teacher enough to help you pace your learning and studies, you should not be studying with him/her in the first place.

Yours in the Journey

Dr. Marie


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