Radical Acceptance: Start where you are
Radical Acceptance" Start where you are Healing is a process. First one must accept there is a need for healing, that you have uncomfortable or challenging feelings and that you are not okay with staying where you are at right now. You will need to stop denying your feelings, putting on a brave face, spouting toxic positivity, or acting stoic or indifferent. This is the actually the first step of every 12-Step program, “admitted we have a problem” with alcohol, emotions, drugs, food, sex, power, anger etc. This typically does not happen until you “bottom out” meaning you blow your life up to the point you can no longer deny you have a problem. For some people this might mean going to jail or losing a relationship and/or family, or losing a job. For others it might mean getting caught at some unethical behaviors and feeling (healthy) shame. Everyone’s “bottom” is different; it is personal. And some people need to bottom out numerous times until they can no longer ...