Spiritual Warrior
This is the golden age of lawsuits, liability, victimhood and ultimate political correctness. Say the wrong thing, the wrong tone, the wrong words, etc. you are a predator, an abuser, or at the very least mean and lawsuit material. Sigh. How do people get feedback? How can they learn when teachers, supervisors, mentors etc. are walking on eggshells? In this respect I consider myself quite lucky. Feedback for growth, healthy arguing (discussions with passion), having people around me that cared enough to speak up were always part of my life. In my childhood the culture of my ethnicity is one that expects people to speak up, hold opinions, care about what you are talking about, research your point of view, present it, learn from others, teach others, be willing to disagree, agree to disagree and still love, hug and stay with each other in life. As an activist in the peace and social justice movement we had “criticism/self-criticism” groups on a regular basis t...