
Showing posts from November, 2018

Eastern Teachings and being a Student

Eastern Teachings and being a Student If you are lucky enough to have True Teacher it can be confusing to figure out the behaviors of a being a Chela: a Spiritual Student.   Levels of respect and appropriate behaviors of respect are built into most every culture and every language except America. The romance languanges have a formal “you” (vous and tu for example in French). In Asian cultures one bows in varying degrees depending on the amount of respect one desires to show another.   Bows are deeper for Elders and Teachers than say for friends.   Here in America people seem to pride themselves in showing disrespect to elders and teachers, trying to prove they know more or can do more as a way to establish identity.   Familiarity even when inappropriate seems to be the norm or the goal. Stepping on someone else’s back to gain recognition or establish an identity is idealized. How does one behave in a respectful relationship with a Teacher? Well for one, being...