BE Judgmental
BE Judgmental Whaaaaa??? In this age of being politically correct, some of you might actually stop reading after seeing the title. Please don’t . People these days might accept the words discernment, or judgement call, but never judgment! There is no problem with having a judgment; the issue is what you choose to do with that judgment (or judgment call, or discernment). How you respond to your inner voice judging what is happening, matters. It matters a great deal. If you have been raised to put others before yourself you will have been taught to not protect yourself but rather to put the needs, wants and desires of others first, in order to protect yourself, to survive. If you have not questioned your past, or worked on learning about or healing your childhood (which happened on purpose as part of your incarnation, and therefore is a key element of exploration for you to advance in Soul Evolution) you will not even know that putting others first is yo...