The Energy of Honesty

The Energy of Honesty

All emotions, all actions, all thoughts have an energy. And that energy affects each and every moment of each and every relationship. Energy cannot be faked, emotions can, or so you think. Perhaps one of the reasons our current culture is so off center has to do with lies and lies of omission. Certainly children raised with lies and lies of omission are taught, even before they are verbal, to live with, accept, love and even consider as normal, the energy of insincerity, of lies. Intimacy redefined.  When normal is re-defined, true intimacy can feel like a threat or at the very least, as an unknown to be treated with suspicion. This means intimacy with the Self, not just others. No intimacy with the Self, it is impossible to connect with your Higher Self and therefore with Spirit. You will only be able to connect along lines of corruption, corrupted energy fields that were imprinted on the undeveloped pre-verbal defenseless brain of a child. A child raised by an alcoholic will be a heat seeking missile for the same in a spouse. A child raised by an unhealed adult that was incested or abused will inherit that energy field with an excellent chance of marrying someone who will repeat the pattern with their children. Energy attracts energy.

When people lust after being a healer (rather than waiting to be “called forth”) or some other kind of spiritual “wanna-be” my first concern is have they healed their own energy field and that of their immediate or chosen family. Physician, heal thyself. My Teacher has always stated that if we help even one person in this life that is enough. That is enough. Going forth on a self-proclaimed mission as some kind of  “light worker” (to use new age vernacular) without cleaning your own house first means you continue to spread a corrupted energy no matter what amazing techniques or channeling you think you are offering. If your energy field is clear, you do not have to be “amazing”, you just need to walk into a room and your electrons will affect everyone else’s electrons, just like they do now. Only with your own orbit cleared, it will be quite a different kind of sharing and interaction.  I always say I am “salt”, Spirit’s salt, to be sprinkled where I am needed, without always understanding, without claiming acknowledgement. Salt is a clear crystal.

Honesty does have boundaries. This is not about sharing all of your Self with everyone, all the time. That is completely inappropriate. It is appropriate to honestly refuse to discuss personal issues, and to honestly and directly set boundaries. And there is chosen diplomacy, cultural norms to be followed, and sometimes small lies to protect someone’s feelings. How is any of this honesty? By being honest with your Self, self-aware, mindful, you can then make choices based on appropriateness and Guidance. Most people spend their time trying to impress or please others, avoid conflict or emotional pain, and a variety of other unhealthy decisions. They do this by NOT paying attention to what they are feeling at the moment and instead going instantly and habitually into avoidance or manipulation mode. If you are not being mindful, you simply cannot receive Guidance. If no one is  “home”, meaning if you are in avoidance, fear, or denial, “you” are not in your body or open enough to receive the Guidance and instead move into instant protective lying both to your Self and others. Honesty begins internally with you and your practice, and once that is your discipline the door opens for you to have choice versus habit, feeling your feelings versus avoiding uncomfortable feelings, more learning versus increasing denial.

“Not” being honest can be a habit, one learned at a time when you were not as strong as you are now. You learned to immediately check your perceptions, instantly run them through the filter of how much you want to hide, what you want to hide, whether or not it is from fear or people pleasing (also a fear – fear of rejection or conflict), and then construct a reaction. Being honest, will at first, take up more energy. Putting a new habit in place always takes more energy, until it becomes habit.  Finding honesty would mean slowing down, breathing, going inside to discover what you are feeling at the moment, allowing choices regarding your reactions to surface,  including Guidance if needed. Why is this so important?  It gives you time to learn through being open rather than reactive, and being open allows you to receive Guidance rather than reacting from fear.

If you are fortunate enough to have a Spiritual Teacher (one who has a Spiritual Practice) you will only benefit to the degree that you can be present with your Self, in your body, feeling your feelings and your willingness to be self-aware. Meaning if you cannot or will not look at yourself and work on being honest with your Self, your Teacher has to back off to the level you are able to receive, or willing to handle at the moment. There is no force in Spiritual Growth. You cannot be forced to be “honest” or to listen to Guidance you cannot handle at the time. Only through a Spiritual Discipline that includes the practice of mindfulness and self-awareness can one accelerate their Spiritual Evolution, no matter how amazing a Teacher might be.  Brilliant Teachers produce brilliant students and they also produce mediocre students or even “drop outs” because the true work must be done by the Student. Teachers only open doors, Students decide whether to walk through or not. If you are secretive with your Teacher it could be an indication that the Teacher is not the right one for you as you do not trust your Teacher and are unwilling to “expose” yourself to what you imagine to be scrutiny or even judgement. If you are secretive with your Teacher and stop asking your Teacher questions, you can be sure you cannot and do not want to hear the answer. If you are not strong enough to hear and consider the answers and Guidance given by your Teacher, or strong enough to listen and still decide to not follow what you are told by your Teacher (which is your free will), your Evolutionary Work must slow down until you learn enough lessons to give you the strength to be honest and to hear honesty without feeling threatened, criticized, or controlled.

Your Teacher has no control over you and you still make your own decisions. Do you have the strength to ask, to listen, to share your Self and then to make decisions and face any discussions or challenges that might come because of your decisions?  In addition to self-aware honesty being essential for pursuing a Spiritual Path, it is also the hallmark of true intimacy: the strength to share your Self without hiding or people-pleasing, and the strength to tolerate the reactions or questions from ones you love without leaving the relationship. True intimacy requires you be strong enough to hear others share themselves as well, instead of people-pleasing or manipulating you,  and requires that you do not emotionally punish them because you cannot handle their honesty. Intimacy with Spirit and intimacy with Humans are related; shut down one and you shut down the other. You can bet that how you handle your relationship with your Spiritual Teacher will mirror what you also do with those you choose to be intimate with in your Earth life. Use your relationship with your Spiritual Teacher to notice your choices, your lack of choices, your habitual ways of avoiding or shutting down your emotions and your energy field, when and how you prioritize your ego, and how you handle your perceived insecurities. Do this and your relationships with those you love and those that are truly close to you will flourish as will the overall quality of your Earth Life, and your Spiritual Evolution will accelerate.

Journey On


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