Depression is Normal
Depression is Normal If a person has cancer, or lost a leg, lost a loved one, or is a survivor of any kind such as war, bankruptcy, divorce etc., society “allows” one to feel depressed, at least for a little bit, before the push for medication often begins. Yet so many people are terrified of depression, and societal norms tell us to “fight it.” In fact society tells us to fight every emotion except excitement, enthusiasm, love…. All the emotions deemed “positive.” What has happened to our culture (both mainstream and alternatives) is that people have been “taught” what emotions to suppress, and how to force or convince one’s self to feel something “positive.” This is like taking drugs so you can numb out and workout more with less or no pain., or drinking to have intimacy. Suppress what you really feel (either with some kind of mind control like affirmations, or with chemicals, drugs or alcohol). Pain, be it emotional or physical is part of w...