
Showing posts from June, 2017

Lying as a way to not feel

Lying as a way to not feel Some people are chronic liars, even to themselves, or perhaps especially to themselves.  You might not call it lying. You might call it being diplomatic, or thoughtful, or strategic. However, if it is your first impulse, most of the time, the behavior has become chronic, habitual, and out of balance. If you spend more time thinking about how to respond, rather than spending time checking in with your Self about how you feel in the moment, you have become a defensive obsessive liar. Not checking in with your Self, also means you cannot possibly be connected to any kind of Guidance. You have to be "home", in your heart, before you can hear Guidance. Guidance cannot be given or received if no one is at home.  Being honest, living honestly and authentically. This does not mean you need to be Jesus or Buddha. It means you practice what you preach. Why? First, it keeps you humble. You walk the talk and that allows you to have compassion and pat...

Motivation and Discipline

Motivation and Discipline The cry of the New Ager’s; I don't feel motivated. I am not getting Guidance to ….. go on a diet, clean my car, exercise, etc. Have you gone too far out of balance with needing to "feel good" in order to get something done?  When you don't feel motivated to change your baby's diaper; do you leave him/her to soak in urine, of course not. Yet you will allow yourself to live in pounds of extra weight that makes you miserable (if it doesn't make you miserable, that is different), or in a pig sty home environment, or fail a class because you cannot apply yourself to homework you don’t like, etc. all because you are not "motivated" or "guided" to take any action. This is wounded yang energy.  When working with the Self, or following Guidance, you can work from the inside out, and from the outside in, sometimes fluctuating between the two. Notice the word is working, not playing. Not everything is play. Giving...

Becoming Sensitive to Pain

Becoming Sensitive to Pain Everyone is on a Spiritual Path, whether they acknowledge it or not, just like we are all subject to gravity whether or not you believe in earth sciences. You don’t have to believe you are on a spiritual journey but no matter what your beliefs, you have made a choice to either be aware and   conscious of your Journey, or not.   So for those who have decided to “awaken” this life, it is good news/bad news. Just like therapy where we say the good news about therapy is you get to feel all your feelings and, the bad news about therapy is you get to feel all your feelings. When beginning your journey on conscious spirituality you tend to be quite stoic, especially if you were raised in a culture that holds “no fear,” “just do it,” “no pain no gain” as standards. That might be a good attitude for the gym but not for becoming sensitive to energies and Guidance from non-human sources and higher realms or for healing deep internal wounds. Sadly, ...