Too much Yin
What is Yin energy? Humans are an electro magnetic field (which is why we can get MRI's etc). Yang energy is the electric, active energy full of outward movement energy. Yin is magnetic; the power to attract, to create stillness, the vacuum , the silence that pulls in opportunities and listens to Spirit. Too much Yang, one is overbearing, impatient, impulsive. American culture worships Yang energy-- "Just Do It," "No Fear," etc.
Yin energy is cultivated in meditation, sometimes art, and deep practices of Tai Chi, Chi Quong and many martial arts. Out of balance Yin manifests as passivity, passive aggressive, and manipulative rather than straight forward communication. Often people who are financially supported (by parents or a mate) become a bit too Yin. Typically survivors of abuse become overly Yin as that is the only way to survive. You will also see this as a red flag with children (and pets) with an aggressive upbringing. These children and pets are described as "well behaved" but if you tune into their energy you will feel the Yin or die survival energy of these beings.
Out of balance Yin people will look to read a person's needs and then speak the words that will please others or at the very lease, not anger or even irritate another. It is hard to get an authentic opinion or reaction from an extreme Yin person. In fact, over the years, super Yin people lose the ability to even know their own feelings. Sociopaths and narcissists are extreme out of balance Yin. They cultivate their abilities to "read" another to then get that person to give them everything they want.... or sometimes just to destroy a life as a kind of reactive power trip (all of this coming from deep wounds).
Out of balance Yin typically respond in conversations with nondescript reactions such as "okay" or "I see" in order to stay invisible or "out of trouble." At the end of a day with a super Yin person one often has the sense that you have no idea who this person is. You may find yourself, choosing where to eat, what to do, then paying for everything as the Yin person creates more and more of a passive vacuum which s/he now habitually believes to be the only way to survive life, relationships or human encounters.
It is easier to move an out of balance Yang person into a better Yin/Yang balance then to heal an out of balance Yin person. Particularly if the Yin person has gotten rewards for being Yin such as getting taken care of by others, getting financially supported, being more sexually desirable as a non-entity, non challenging Yin sex partner. An overly Yin person will strive to be perfect in bed, and not express any needs or desires, so his/her partner feels like a super lover. That behavior often gets rewarded with more presents, bigger house, not having to work etc. This creates a looped cycle of reward which is very hard to break. In it's extreme form, it is prostitution (or expensive escort).
Overly Yin people have to bury who they are (or they have been buried by another through domination and/or abuse) and over time, they literally forget or completely lose touch with their feelings, needs, desires. In psychology folks like this fit the description of codependency, enabler, or even victim Sometimes when overly Yin people have a breakdown, they become narcissistic, sociopathic, and even violent as all the pent up repressions come roaring out.
Notice red flags if you do not want to find yourself subject to the firestorm of a repressed out of balance Yin person having an explosive, reactive and often vengeful outburst or breakdown. If a person seems to pull too much Yang behavior out of you such as paying for things, solving their problems, finding solutions, making all the decisions, you carrying most of the conversation, and you somehow ending up as the "bad guy" because you did not handle things or you are criticized for how you handled something (rather than the other person offering to help)...... you might pull back from that relationship a bit. The only way to work with an out of balance Yin person (who is not in any sort of recovery) is to "out Yin" him/her. Stop "doing " in the relationship. Step back. And no matter what, stop fixing anything-- conversations, problems etc. Stop making the majority of the decisions. Yin out of balance will not stop until it causes pain. You solving their problems or rewarding the behavior will only show them that what they are currently doing, works.
Yin energy is cultivated in meditation, sometimes art, and deep practices of Tai Chi, Chi Quong and many martial arts. Out of balance Yin manifests as passivity, passive aggressive, and manipulative rather than straight forward communication. Often people who are financially supported (by parents or a mate) become a bit too Yin. Typically survivors of abuse become overly Yin as that is the only way to survive. You will also see this as a red flag with children (and pets) with an aggressive upbringing. These children and pets are described as "well behaved" but if you tune into their energy you will feel the Yin or die survival energy of these beings.
Out of balance Yin people will look to read a person's needs and then speak the words that will please others or at the very lease, not anger or even irritate another. It is hard to get an authentic opinion or reaction from an extreme Yin person. In fact, over the years, super Yin people lose the ability to even know their own feelings. Sociopaths and narcissists are extreme out of balance Yin. They cultivate their abilities to "read" another to then get that person to give them everything they want.... or sometimes just to destroy a life as a kind of reactive power trip (all of this coming from deep wounds).
Out of balance Yin typically respond in conversations with nondescript reactions such as "okay" or "I see" in order to stay invisible or "out of trouble." At the end of a day with a super Yin person one often has the sense that you have no idea who this person is. You may find yourself, choosing where to eat, what to do, then paying for everything as the Yin person creates more and more of a passive vacuum which s/he now habitually believes to be the only way to survive life, relationships or human encounters.
It is easier to move an out of balance Yang person into a better Yin/Yang balance then to heal an out of balance Yin person. Particularly if the Yin person has gotten rewards for being Yin such as getting taken care of by others, getting financially supported, being more sexually desirable as a non-entity, non challenging Yin sex partner. An overly Yin person will strive to be perfect in bed, and not express any needs or desires, so his/her partner feels like a super lover. That behavior often gets rewarded with more presents, bigger house, not having to work etc. This creates a looped cycle of reward which is very hard to break. In it's extreme form, it is prostitution (or expensive escort).
Overly Yin people have to bury who they are (or they have been buried by another through domination and/or abuse) and over time, they literally forget or completely lose touch with their feelings, needs, desires. In psychology folks like this fit the description of codependency, enabler, or even victim Sometimes when overly Yin people have a breakdown, they become narcissistic, sociopathic, and even violent as all the pent up repressions come roaring out.
Notice red flags if you do not want to find yourself subject to the firestorm of a repressed out of balance Yin person having an explosive, reactive and often vengeful outburst or breakdown. If a person seems to pull too much Yang behavior out of you such as paying for things, solving their problems, finding solutions, making all the decisions, you carrying most of the conversation, and you somehow ending up as the "bad guy" because you did not handle things or you are criticized for how you handled something (rather than the other person offering to help)...... you might pull back from that relationship a bit. The only way to work with an out of balance Yin person (who is not in any sort of recovery) is to "out Yin" him/her. Stop "doing " in the relationship. Step back. And no matter what, stop fixing anything-- conversations, problems etc. Stop making the majority of the decisions. Yin out of balance will not stop until it causes pain. You solving their problems or rewarding the behavior will only show them that what they are currently doing, works.
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