
Showing posts from January, 2016

Dirty little secrets

So many have secrets. People sneak food, drink alcohol, have a sugar habit, can't orgasm, are depressed.  Every day people do this and more interestingly people in the helping, motivation, exercise, or spiritual industry often have more secrets than most. They have more to lose. If they are selling a system that "works".... appearances count.... perhaps even more than the practice they sell. Not only that, the public loves to worship..... sadly not Creator, but rather humans. Frail and imperfect humans. We create heroes who in turn create themselves. Some "heroes" come close to revealing themselves, most are revealed after their death. In truth, we have no idea what people really going through in their lives. Nor do we typically want to know. We want to worship some ideal. This helps us to further self criticize....we are not that ideal. And this in turn encourages us to keep more secrets.  This is not just about lying. Or making a profit. It is more about fea...